SynapseIndia Organized Groufie Contest at the Workplace to Build a Positive Work Culture

The Human Resource Team at SynapseIndia is always committed to develop a great bond between the employees and the organization. They regularly arrange different contest and events from time to time to encourage employees and develop a strong bond with one another & keeping them cheerful & persuading at the working environment.
SynapseIndia Employee Groufie Contest

SynapseIndia CEO, Shamit Khemka says, “Employee engagement activities in the workplace, ensure that employees are committed to their organization's objectives and values, motivated to extreme contribution to the organizational success, and are able at the same time to enhance their own sense of well-being”. Such activities in the workplace plays a major role to keep employees happy and rejuvenate them.

Recently, SynapseIndia has organized a Groufie contest and all employees were invited to take a part in the contest. All the teams of the organisation showed their full enthusiasm and excitement. Each group head of the team made some extraordinary plan to take best Groufie for the competition like, various get up items were bought and used, some team tried to take pics at work floor with various working equipments, some team tried to take Groufie while having lunch at cafeteria, some team tried to take Groufie while they were on break and sent them to the HR team.

HR team selected the best Groufie and announced the name of the winner team during the celebration of friendship day with exciting prizes. This exciting contest offered a complete opportunity of fun and team building. The best part of this contest was that it showed the hidden talent of SynapseIndia employees as they showed their amazing facial expressions and pose that generally we find at comedy shows or in movies.

Organizing various contests, events and celebrations at SynapseIndia bring employees together, enhance their team spirit and morale. Such organizational activities is a good way to refresh employees from daily scheduled task and they are able to perform their best efforts towards the achievement of organizational goals.